Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Rebel Flag Controversy

In response to an story done by a guy in FL about a large Confederate battle flag being flown close to a major freeway at the site of a Sons of Confederate Veterans memorial park that is being built (visit online video article here), I wrote this response (aimed more at some others who commented on the video than the video itself):

Cldart // 31 minutes ago

Now, I am a Californian and the proud "son" of a Union veteran, but having studied some about the bloodiest conflict in U.S. history, I have learned that the issues are complex, and it gets me upset when people automatically associate the South with racism. I stand for the right of Southern Americans to respectfully display symbols of their heritage, and exercise the same freedom of speech as other Americans enjoy.

I feel that more than actually caring about history or racism or other "real" issues, most people simply want to not have to think or feel or care about anything, and would rather be "comfortable" and not have to deal with controversy or ideas or the complexities of pluralism or perhaps their own racism. Life isn't supposed to be "easy," just good.